by Michele Borba | Apr 25, 2016 | Anxiety, Pessimism, World Worries, Character and Moral Intelligence, Courage and Assertiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, featured, Friendship and Social Competence, UnSelfie
Most parents would tell you that sensitive kids usually arrive that way. By nature these children seem more “touchy” from birth: they’re more sensitive to sound and change, tear-up easily, and take criticism far too seriously. Though those traits can be highly...
by Michele Borba | Feb 7, 2016 | Articles, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Character and Moral Intelligence, Discipline & Behavior, Emotional Intelligence, Friendship and Social Competence, Parenting
Bad friends. It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: we imagine only the worse: drugs, smoking, sex, trouble with the law. But what should parents do if they notice that their daughter is hanging out more with a kid whose values don’t seem in sync with their own?...
by Michele Borba | Jan 31, 2016 | Friendship and Social Competence
All children are turned down by friends–even the most popular kids! Researchers found in a study of second and third graders that 26 percent of the time, even the most well-liked children in the class were told they couldn’t join groups already playing.But oh...
by Michele Borba | Jan 29, 2016 | Friendship and Social Competence, Parenting, Resilience, Thriving, Self-Confidence
REALITY CHECK: Beware: a new trend shows our Micromanaged, Over-structured, “Plugged-In” Generation can’t stand boredom. Maybe it’s because we might be doing too much scheduling, entertaining and solving? Just a thought! There is a concerning...
by Michele Borba | Jan 21, 2015 | Bullying and Cyberbullying, Character and Moral Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Empowering Girls, Friendship and Social Competence
Making a Difference in the Lives of All Young Girls: A special guest post by Michelle Anthony, author of Little Girls Can Be Mean Here is a guest post by Michelle Anthony, author of the wonderful (and MUST read book) Little Girls Can Be Mean: Four Steps to Bully-Proof...
by Michele Borba | Sep 3, 2014 | Friendship and Social Competence
You’ve bought the school supplies, sharpened the pencils and packed the lunches, but have you prepared your children for dealing with back-to-school jitters? Many kids experience a surge in anxiety as they meet their new teachers, see their new classroom and settle in...