by Michele Borba | Jan 20, 2021 | Anxiety, Pessimism, World Worries, Articles, Confidence and Assertivness, Courage and Assertiveness, COVID19, Depression and Suicide, Resilience, Thriving, Self-Confidence, Self-Control, Focusing, Self-Reliance and Agency, Social Emotional Learning, Stress, Thrivers
10 Ways to Help Reduce Childhood Anxiety and Curb Fear Capitol insurrection. bombings, terrorist alerts, hurricanes, school shootings, and Pandemics have boosted all our jitters lately, but don’t forget our children. I’ve received dozens of parent emails...
by Michele Borba | Feb 18, 2010 | Self-Confidence
Parenting advice to help your shyer, more sensitive kids feel more comfortable in social settings and join in the fun of life QUESTION: “We have an eleven-year-old son who is extremely shy. Whenever we introduce him to new people, he barely acknowledges their...