by Michele Borba | Sep 10, 2012 | Uncategorized
What to say and do if you suspect bullying to help your child feel and be safe I know you’ve heard about bullying, but it’s a heart-stopping moment when you know it happened to your own child. But the fact is most parents whose children were targeted by a bully admit...
by Michele Borba | Jan 6, 2012 | Character and Moral Intelligence
8 crucial steps educators and parents can take to reduce peer cruelty and create caring, respectful learning environments Studies show that bullying is intensifying in our schools. We are also seeing an epidemic of so-called bullying prevention programs....
by Michele Borba | Nov 1, 2011 | Depression and Suicide, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution
How to work with the school to create a safety plan for your child when bullying continues and previous efforts fail You know your child is being bullied. You talked to your child or even with the teacher, tried strategies, but bullying continues. You’re fully aware...