by Michele Borba | Feb 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
Real strategies to teach kids so they are less likely to be bullied I know you’ve heard the dismal statistics or the heartbreaking stories in the news about children who were bullied. By some estimates, one in three American schoolchildren is either a bully or a...
by Michele Borba | Jan 30, 2011 | Courage and Assertiveness, Self-Confidence
Parenting advice to help shyer, sensitive, timid kids feel more comfortable and gain confidence in social situations “You go ahead without me.” “I’m afraid to raise my hand.” “I’d rather be by myself.” “Please don’t make me go!” Let’s face it:...
by Michele Borba | Feb 18, 2010 | Self-Confidence
Parenting advice to help your shyer, more sensitive kids feel more comfortable in social settings and join in the fun of life QUESTION: “We have an eleven-year-old son who is extremely shy. Whenever we introduce him to new people, he barely acknowledges their...
by Michele Borba | Aug 23, 2009 | Friendship and Social Competence, Self-Confidence, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Michele Borba REALITY CHECK: Though chances our your child was born with a shyer temperament, Jerome Kagan, Yale’s foremost child development expert, proves biology is not destiny. Those parents who encouraged their shyer children to expand their horizons and...