Mom’s Biggest Battles!
Dr. Phil asked me to appear as the parenting expert yesterday on his show. This is the fifth time I’ve appeared on a Dr. Phil show. Past topics have been children of incarcerated parents, how to talk to your child about sexual predators, over-parenting vs free range, and out of control kids, but this was by far my favorite topic: Mom’s Biggest Battles.
Other panelists on the show included a few of my favorite women: Linda Murray, editor-in-chief of (this is the second time I’ve appeared with Linda on Dr. Phil- I adore her), Jessica Gottieb, mommy blogger extroardinare (one great woman with strong opinions – wow does she take one mom in the audience to task!) and Teresa Strasser, a radio and TV personality, new mom and fun, fun fun!). The audience was all moms (what could be better?).
Moms sent in their top parenting concerns to Dr. Phil’s producers. Linda and I offered the parenting solutions. Jessica and Teresa weighed in with their witty mom perspective.
Some of the topics we covered included:
Is yelling the new spanking? (That’s what the mommy surveys show).
How do you handle public tantrums?
How do you get your get to sleep in her own bed (or should you)?
Should you let your baby cry it out — or is there another way?
How do you get your child to listen — really listen?
You can watch the whole show by clicking on this link and following the prompt to view the show. All the tips were from The Big Book of Parenting Solutions: 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges and Wildest Worries. Dr. Phil gave every mom in that audience a copy of my book!
Here’s how Dr. Phil’s producers advertised the show:
“Whether you’re a new mom or a mother with years of experience under your belt, this show is for you! Dr. Phil tackles some of the biggest parenting issues, and he has help from his panel of experts: Dr. Michele Borba, an educational consultant, Linda Murray, editor-in-chief of, Teresa Strasser, a radio and TV personality and new mom, and Jessica Gottlieb, a popular mommy blogger.