Please Join Me to Stop Teen Medicine Abuse!

by | Aug 22, 2013 | Uncategorized

Note to My Readers:

I’m very concerned about the growing rates of teen medicine abuse. You may have seen a number of my blog posts about this topic. I’m passionate about this and I’ve taken on the role as a National Spokesperson for the Medicine Abuse Project via The Partnership At Drugfree.Org to try to educate parents about these dangers. This morning a huge email blast was sent to media outlets across the country. I’m attaching the email to keep you aware of my efforts. I urge you to get educated about this topic. Talk to your kids and students about medicine abuse. I also urge you to take the pledge that is on the Medicine Abuse Project to stop this troubling trend. Please also pass on this information to other parents.

Let’s help all of our children lead healthy, happy lives and have a safe and successful school year.

Michele Borba

Dear Supporter,

Did you know that one in four teens believe that prescription drugs can be used as a study aid, and one-third of parents say they believe medication for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can improve a child’s academic or testing performance, even if their teen doesn’t have ADHD?

Those statistics are alarming, but it’s understandable that kids will do what they can to get ahead, and that parents simply want to see their children succeed in this stressful day and age. Through my work with teens, I’ve seen it all too often. Between academic tests, college applications, complicated relationships with friends and pressures at home, today’s youth are overwhelmed with immense pressure, both academically and socially. But misusing and abusing stimulant medicines can be harmful to the body and mind.

You can help curb this dangerous behavior by educating yourself about the issue, helping your kids manage their stress and having a direct conversation with them about medicine abuse – including the dangers of misusing and abusing stimulant medication.

With another school year just around the corner, this is the perfect time to start the conversation. It could be the first step in keeping your kids healthy and on track this year. Please seek out, The Medicine Abuse Project for important information on how to have these critical talks with your teen. I also urge you to take the Medicine Abuse Project Pledge. Let’s stop this troubling trend together! Please check out the Medicine Abuse Project website today.


Dr. Michele Borba

Expert and Author on Teens, Parenting Bullying and Moral Development