Kid Procrastinator Cures

Kid Procrastinator Cures

Parenting tips for kids who procrastinate, cut corners or take the easy way.  Sound like your kid? “I quit – this is too hard.”  “Why don’t YOU do it?” Is his backpack a disaster, homework always a battle and everything seems to be put off until the last nano-second...
3 Ways to Teach Kids Perspective Taking

3 Ways to Teach Kids Perspective Taking

Raising Kids to Think We, Not Me! The gateway to learning to empathize, accepting differences and understanding another’s perspective is an emotion vocabulary. But when children can identify, name and understand different emotions, it’s time to help...
6 Ways to Raise Kids Who Want to Make a Difference

6 Ways to Raise Kids Who Want to Make a Difference

Raising Kids Who Want to Make a Difference in their World The key to raising a Changemaker is making sure that the project is meaningful for the child and driven by heart, and not chosen to look good on a future resume or college application.  The first time I...
Kid Negativity Cures

Kid Negativity Cures

 Kid Negativity Cures to Boost Optimism Children with poor self-beliefs often have bombarded themselves for so long with a steady stream of derogatory messages. Their potential for success is greatly limited, because they don’t believe in their capabilities. Self-talk...