by Michele Borba | Jan 6, 2015 | Empowering Girls, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
“Relational aggression refers to harm within relationships that is caused by covert bullying or manipulative behavior. Examples include isolating a youth from his or her group of friends (social exclusion), threatening to stop talking to a friend (the ‘‘silent...
by Michele Borba | Sep 8, 2014 | Bullying and Cyberbullying, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Peer cruelty is a problem and appears to be starting earlier. Though survey results do vary, by some estimates, one in seven American schoolchildren is either a bully or a victim. And the cruel behavior increases with age. A recent study prepared for the American...
by Michele Borba | Sep 25, 2013 | Friendship and Social Competence
How to determine why a child is using aggressive behaviors so you can turn it around Let’s face it, it’s not easy to know that your child is bullying. It’s hard to admit that your kid is using aggression. But to allow bullying behaviors to continue will be...
by Michele Borba | Dec 20, 2011 | School Success and Learning, Self-Confidence
Why ADHD boosts vulnerability to bullying; solutions for parents and educators of special needs children. I had pleasure of speaking with Peggy Dolan from the Edge Foundation who does wonderful work on coaching students with ADHD. Here is our interview and the two...
by Michele Borba | Feb 16, 2010 | Anger Management
Part 2: How to Stop Bullying Using Proven Strategies. Let’s put an end to peer cruelty now! Here’s how…. Bullying Increasing In Industrialized Nations Bullying among our youth is a significant problem–and it is steadily increasing. We also...