by Michele Borba | Jul 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
Signs to watch for and three steps to take if you suspect your child is bullying Here is a recent letter I received from a parent. How would you respond? “My son’s teacher says he bullies a classmate by saying cruel things,and deliberately slamming or tripping him....
by Michele Borba | Sep 25, 2013 | Friendship and Social Competence
How to determine why a child is using aggressive behaviors so you can turn it around Let’s face it, it’s not easy to know that your child is bullying. It’s hard to admit that your kid is using aggression. But to allow bullying behaviors to continue will be...
by Michele Borba | Apr 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
Lessons I learned from working on U.S. Army bases to create effective bullying prevention Well, the pages are turning, folks: bullying finally seems to be recognized as a wide-scale problem with horrific implications to our students’ learning and emotional health....
by Michele Borba | Feb 23, 2011 | Parenting
Teaching kids how to be active bystanders, stand up to peer cruelty and speak out against bullying. My “Bully B.U.S.T.E.R. Bystander SkillsI shared on Dateline. Bullying is a learned behavior, and it is on the rise. One third of middle and high school students...
by Michele Borba | Jan 23, 2011 | The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Parenting advice to help your child be less likely to be bullied — what you and your child need to know REALITY CHECK: By some estimates, one in seven American schoolchildren is either a bully or a victim. Studies find that 160,000 children skip school every day...