by Michele Borba | Jul 23, 2014 | The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Have we become a nation of parents obsessed with doing everything for our kids to ensure they’ll turn out right? A number of experts are suggesting it’s time for parents to loosen their grip, relax hardcore parenting styles and let their kids be kids again. A hot...
by Michele Borba | Feb 28, 2014 | Courage and Assertiveness
How would your child respond if a stranger knocked at your door? Are you sure? You’ll be surprised– advice I shared on Dateline. Imagine an adult coming to your door when you’re not at home. The adult clearly looks official. He has a badge or is...
by Michele Borba | Feb 16, 2014 | Anger Management
Tantrums. Backtalk. Meltdowns. Defiance. Disrespect. Yelling. Refusing to stay in Time Out. Won’t go to bed. Chaos! Those were the behaviors I faced when I went on a house call for the day to a family’s home for Dr. Phil. Here’s the description and...
by Michele Borba | Jan 2, 2011 | Anger Management, Discipline & Behavior
Parenting advice that helps reduce little ones’ frustrations and temper those tantrums (work for grown-ups, too!) that I shared on Dr. Phil REALITY CHECK: Did you know that research shows that the most active (and aggressive) time EVER in our lives is between...
by Michele Borba | Jan 16, 2010 | The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Mom’s Biggest Battles! Dr. Phil asked me to appear as the parenting expert yesterday on his show. This is the fifth time I’ve appeared on a Dr. Phil show. Past topics have been children of incarcerated parents, how to talk to your child about sexual...