by Michele Borba | Jan 24, 2016 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Goal-setting and Inner Motivation, Parenting, Perseverance, Gives Up, Fears Failures, Resilience, Thriving, Self-Reliance and Agency
Teach your children to hang in there when the going gets tough, but know when to let them throw in the towel. Perseverance often makes the critical distinction between whether kids succeed or fail. Will they have the inner strength to keep on or be plagued by...
by Michele Borba | Mar 1, 2010 | The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Many historians feel that one of Winston Churchill’s greatest speeches was given at a graduation ceremony at Oxford University. He had worked on the speech for hours. When the moment finally came, Churchill stood up to the cheering crowd, and in a strong, clear...