by Michele Borba | Feb 20, 2016 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Parenting, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution, Self-Reliance and Agency
In my last post (3 Skills That Teach Resourcefulness) I described three skills (brainstorming, self-reliance, and decision making) that help kids become resourceful and resilient. Here are three more essential and teachable skills (how to negotiate resist peer...
by Michele Borba | Jul 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
Parenting tips to help kids feel more confident away from home sweet home –whether it be a camp, sleepover, or playdate–based on the latest research Mooommm… I want to come home! NOW! But can’t you pleassse pick me up? I hate it here! I don’t care how much...
by Michele Borba | Jan 17, 2014 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Discipline & Behavior
Want to be a calmer parent? Here’s how to break your kid’s annoying habit—whining-once and for all! As any parent knows, whining is one of the most irritating of kids’ habits. And although the behavior usually peaks at around 4 years of age, it can continue...
by Michele Borba | Apr 16, 2012 | Parenting
Parenting tips I offered as the expert on the NBC Dateline special: “My Kid Would Never…” series “Stranger Safety Tips” Listen…can you hear it? It’s the familiar jingle of the ice cream truck coming down the street carrying every kid’s...
by Michele Borba | Jan 10, 2011 | Empathy and Kindness
Proven tips to nurture compassion children and reduce peer cruelty Last fall I was on the East Coast helping a small school district implement a character education program. My first meeting was with a district administrator to assess the students’ needs, and the...