by Michele Borba | Sep 18, 2020 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Parenting, Selfish and Spoiled, UnSelfie
Science-Backed Ways to Build the 9 Habits of Empathy Did you know that teens today are 40 percent less empathetic than those 30 years ago? That is tragic news for our children and society. For starters, it hurts kids’ moral character, and leads to bullying and...
by Michele Borba | Dec 16, 2017 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Gratitude, Materialism, Parenting, Selfish and Spoiled, Social Emotional Learning
How to Tone Down $$$, Tune Up Family Memories and Nurture Children’s Empathy During the Holidays REALITY CHECK: Total spending is projected to be between $678 billion and $682 billion, up from $655.8 billion last year. Nationally, holiday spending has increased...
by Michele Borba | Nov 30, 2016 | Articles, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Parenting, Resilience, Thriving, Self-Confidence, Selfish and Spoiled, UnSelfie
Just pretend: The sports season just ended and you and the other parents are bursting with pride watching each child receive a participation trophy with their teammates. Of course, we hate to see our children disappointed, so when we notice every kid holding a golden...
by Michele Borba | Nov 25, 2016 | Empathy and Kindness, Internet, Parenting, Selfish and Spoiled, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Reality Check: Is social networking connected with the rise of teen narcissism? I’ve written a number of articles about Teen Arrogance but now I want to dig deeper into troubling research reports that show a rise in teen narcissism and decrease in...
by Michele Borba | Jan 4, 2014 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Selfish and Spoiled
Parenting advice to help us raise strong, caring, unspoiled kids and reduce that “Big Brat Factor” element that seems to be a growing problem with kids these days. Our most important role is raising our kids to become capable, well-adjusted human beings....
by Michele Borba | Jan 4, 2013 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Selfish and Spoiled
“Big Brat Factor” Cures: Six ways to “unspoil” a spoiled, entitled child Hidden Dangers of Raising Spoiled Kids Of course we love our kids and want the best for them. We hate to let them down and don’t want to see them unhappy even for a nano-second. And...