Kid Procrastinator Cures

Kid Procrastinator Cures

Parenting tips for kids who procrastinate, cut corners or take the easy way.  Sound like your kid? “I quit – this is too hard.”  “Why don’t YOU do it?” Is his backpack a disaster, homework always a battle and everything seems to be put off until the last nano-second...
3 Ways to Teach Kids Perspective Taking

3 Ways to Teach Kids Perspective Taking

Raising Kids to Think We, Not Me! The gateway to learning to empathize, accepting differences and understanding another’s perspective is an emotion vocabulary. But when children can identify, name and understand different emotions, it’s time to help...
Tips to Stretch Kids’ Self-Control

Tips to Stretch Kids’ Self-Control

Tips Stretch Focusing and Self-Control and Boost Kid Resilience    New research shows that children who can pass up a marshmallow are more likely to succeed as adults as well as to thrive. But why? Here’s the secret every teacher and parent should know, and...