by Michele Borba | Jan 14, 2021 | Articles, Character and Moral Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Gratitude, UnSelfie
How to cultivate a giving spirit and raise a charitable child Samantha is not yet 4 years old, but she already has the makings of a charitable child. She was distributing school supplies with her family to kids at a shelter and noticed one child in a corner didn’t...
by Michele Borba | Jan 13, 2021 | Anger Management, Anxiety, Pessimism, World Worries, Articles, Emotional Intelligence, Friendship and Social Competence, Optimism, Pessimism, Negativity, Parenting, Resilience, Thriving, Self-Confidence, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, Thrivers
Kid Negativity Cures to Boost Optimism Children with poor self-beliefs often have bombarded themselves for so long with a steady stream of derogatory messages. Their potential for success is greatly limited, because they don’t believe in their capabilities. Self-talk...
by Michele Borba | Jan 11, 2021 | Character and Moral Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Gratitude, Resilience, Thriving, Thrivers, UnSelfie
Seven simple ways to boost gratitude in kids and help them learn to count their blessings 365 days a year! Let’s start with a Reality Check: Researchers are seeing a disturbing upsurge of kids who are a bit too spoiled, a bit too unappreciative, less...
by Michele Borba | Jan 5, 2021 | Bullying and Cyberbullying, Character and Moral Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy and Kindness, Social Emotional Learning, UnSelfie
How to cultivate courage for our bubble-wrapped kids so they find strength to face adversity and do the right thing. Empathy Habit #8: MORAL COURAGE Empathy is the miraculous quality that allows us to feel with others, but in order to act on those feelings kids need...
by Michele Borba | Jan 4, 2021 | Resilience, Thriving, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, Thrivers, UnSelfie, Upcoming Media and Speaking Appearances
If your child is hooked on rewards, beware. Rewards can reduce kids’ potential to thrive. “What do I get if I do it?” “How much will you give me?” “Why should I do it if you don’t pay me?” Heard any of these words lately from your darling...